The Police in Rotterdam are training and using rats to assist in crime involving gunshots.
The rats can tell within minutes whether a suspect has gunpowder residue on his/her hands or clothing.
This used to take hours when done by the forensic lab. The rats will be used to make a quick result until the lab can confirm the findings.
We have only 650 smell genes, dogs have 1.093 and rats 1.493.
They have 5 brown (rattus norvegius) rats at the moment, Derrick, Magnum, Poirot en Jansen & Janssen. They are very tame and come when called.
where Pouched rats (Cricetomyinae) are trained to sniff out land mines.
In Cambodja the rats have covered and helped clear an area of 13 thousand hectare. Dogs are to heavy for the job, they'd explode the mines.