finger licking good......

The tongue is the strongest muscle in the body ....

Every person has a unique tongue print. So beware of licking anything if you are a burglar !

Long tounges : men   women

The surface of the tongue at close range >>>>>

<<<<<<Useful for invalids

remember Tupperware?

These plastic boxes were 'born' a few years before me.... in 1946 and was a huge success due to the novel way of marketing it via party's at people homes'.

The hostess provided refreshments and a Tupperware rep would display the wares and explain how you could not live without the containers.

If one was invited to such a party, you felt obliged to buy a couple of things....

I recall that the prices were exorbitant and even if the stuff does last forever, it was a big investment at the time.

But 'keeping up with the Joneses' was virulent in those days.

bastard sugar !

Bastard sugar ?!?!   That's the Dutch name for castor sugar :~)

Caster (or castor) (0.35 mm) is a very fine sugar in Britain, so-named because the grains are small enough to fit through a castor, a form of sieve. Commonly used in baking and mixed drinks, it is sold as "superfine"sugar in the United States. Because of its fineness it dissolves more quickly than regular white sugar and is thus especially useful in meringues and cold liquids. Castor sugar can be prepared at home by grinding granulated sugar for a couple of minutes in a food processor.

Bastard sugar is castor sugar with molasses to it. It's much moister than the white variety and can get lumpy. It's often used in cakes and biscuits as it keeps them moist for longer. Think of carrot cake, brownies etc.

It's probably called 'bastard'  by the Dutch due t it's being not pure sugar.

There are white, yellow and brown varieties

Spread it on hot buttered toast ................... yummy!

Be frugal - make your own !


creeping Jenny

No not me !!

But this nice ground cover plant
that I've planted behind our bear...

Which will hopefully spread to look like this