..... is coming and the geese are getting fat

A "traditional" Christmas lunch with the loved/hated Brussel sprouts....

This is perhaps a better use for them :

How many gifts are handed out in the
The 12 days of Christmas song ??

On the first day of Christmas
My true love sent to me.....

Answer HERE

Hunting of the Wren ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?     
It is unlucky to kill a wren on any day apart from Boxing Day. Hunting of the Wren on Boxing Day was once a popular activity in England. Groups of young boys know as 'Wren boys' would hunt a wren and then tie the dead bird to the top of a pole, decorated with holly sprigs and ribbons. With blackened faces, the group would sing at houses in hopes for coins, gifts or food.
The wren, the wren, the king of all birds
            On St Stephen's Day was caught in the furze,
            We hunted him far and hunted him near
            And found him under the bushes here.
            Hurrah, my boys, hurrah!
            Hurrah, my boys, hurrah!
            Knock at the knocker and ring at the bell,
            And give us a copper for singing so well

Those that gave money to the boys would receive a feather from the wren as thanks. The collected money was then used to host a village dance. This odd ritual was not restricted to England. It was prevalent in some continental countries on Boxing Day as well as the Isle of Man, Wales and Ireland.

I love Xmas, but if you hate it, you should have lived between 1647 and 1660!!

Christmas Banned     
In 1647, the English parliament passed a law that made Christmas illegal.
Christmas festivities were banned by Puritan leader Oliver Cromwell,
who considered feasting and revelry on what was supposed
to be a holy day to be immoral.
Anybody caught celebrating Christmas was arrested.
The ban was lifted only when the Puritans lost power in 1660.

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