
My knee(s) are doing good, lets hope they never get like this..........

This coral and other members of its family are unique in that a single polyp makes up the entire coral colony and the coral lives with no attachment to the bottom. This means that the coral can live in soft sand and is capable of limited movement by differential swelling of its body. This coral is circular in shape, up to 4-5 cm in diameter with the evenly spaced, prominent septa running in neat radii from the central mouth area to the disk's perimeter. When tentacles are expanded they protrude from between the septa at various distances from the polyp mouth.

Info + more pics here

Habitat : This coral is extremely rare in Oman and thus far is known only from one specimen collected near Mirbat in Dhofar. Its primary habitat is in the sand at intermediate depths outside of reefs.

Mirbat is also known for British victory of a battle fought there in 1972

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