

1: the separate real or personal property of a married woman that she can dispose of by will and sometimes according to common law during her life
2: personal belongings
3a : articles of equipment : furnishings b : accessory items : appurtenances

Medieval Latin, ultimately from Greek parapherna bride's property beyond her dowry, from para- + phernē dowry, from pherein to bear — more at bear  First Known Use: 1651

A friend brought  another meaning of paraphenalia to my attention:
The Utah local paper often mention that someone has been arrested for "being in possession of paraphernalia" (meaning crack pipes, syringes, scales, and other drug taking... well... paraphernalia).

He once saw it spelled as paraffinalia, which would not mean much in the USA, where the said petroleum derivative is known as 'kerosene'. Kerosenealia? I think not.=
Here's a nice website with the same name.......

<<< nice music....

Period Home Renovation,Tasmania

Swanky New York clothes

weird music paraphenalia

furniture shop UK >>>>

But I like the original meaning of the word:

Paraphernalia was the separate property of a married woman, such as clothing and jewelry "appropriate to her station", but excluding the assets that may have been included in her dowery.
The term originated in Roman law, but ultimately comes from Greek "παράφερνα" ("parapherna"), "beyond ("para") the dower ("phernē")".

My station is probably 'Clapham Junction"

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