
Plastiki is a boat made out of 12,500 recyled plastic bottles filled with air. David de Rothschild came up with the idea to build this awesome Plastiki boat.

(C10H8O4)n to this ..............

This is unlike any catamaran you’ve ever seen. Instead of smooth hulls to minimise water resistance, it comprises a frame made out of self-reinforced polyethylene terephthalate (srPET) panels and sealed plastic bottles (filled with carbon dioxide to 5 bar to make them impact-proof) held in place by srPET netting to provide buoyancy – making it more like a high-tech raft.

8,000-mile, 130-day trans-Pacific voyage from San Francisco to Sydney, in a ship whose hull was created from 12,500 plastic bottles

video David de Rothschild      

There is a similar Dutch version planned (site in Dutch only)

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