high altitude eggs.....

While on holiday in the Alps recently I got into a discussion about boiling eggs at high altitudes....
Problems at Altitude
Apparently boiling eggs becomes progressively more difficult the higher up you are, due to the lower air pressures in higher altitudes. As a result, if you are living up 'high', then you would have to alter boiling times. So:
  • At 5,000 feet/1,800 metres above sea level - it's about double the required boiling time
  • At 9,000 feet/3,000 metres above sea level - it's probably best not to bother. The water will boil and evaporate before your egg has even begun to cook. At this point, it may be best to consider an omelet or a scrambled egg

it's probably easier to hard boil the eggs at a lower altitude and take them with you, rather than carry them in their fragile state to the top of a mountain :~))

the BBC has a whole web page devoted to the perfect boiled egg

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