forgotten professions Nr 1

Loblolly boy – An assistant to a ship's surgeon who more than likely had no medical training.

The name itself comes from the serving of loblolly – a thick porridge, sometimes enhanced with chunks of meat or vegetables to sick or injured crew members to hasten their recovery. Loblolly, in turn, probably comes from the fusion of lob, a Yorkshire word meaning to boil or bubble, and lolly, an archaic English word for a stew or soup.

The loblolly boy's duties included serving food to the sick, but also undertaking any medical tasks that the surgeon was too busy (or too high in station) to perform. These included restraining patients during surgery, obtaining and cleaning surgical instruments, disposing of amputated limbs, and emptying and cleaning toilet utensils. He also often managed stocks of herbs, medicines and medical supplies.

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