
Recipe for Overeating:

1 batch, bag, box, or large plate of food
2 tablespoons of deprivation
1 heaping teaspoon of guilt
Sprinkle of shame

Optional: fatigue, stress, resentment, loneliness, boredom

Recipe for Instinctive Eating:

1 or 2 servings of food you love
2 tablespoons of intention
1 heaping teaspoon of attention
Sprinkle of trust
Optional: pleasure, enjoyment, celebration, tradition

According to an American researcher at the University of San Diego in California, chocolate consumption leads to the secretion of substances which imitate the effects of cannabis. Which may be why chocolate eaters can develop a chocolate “habit” and become, in a way, “cocoa addicts”. An individual weighing 60 kilos would have to eat 11 kilos of chocolate to achieve any noticeable effect… Not to mention the fact that such an individual wouldn’t stay at that weight for very long!

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