
A personal time zone:   Sandringham time

Because he wanted his guests to rise early for the best shooting, Edward VII established the custom of keeping every clock at the royal residence, Sandringham, set half an hour fast.

In 1936, however, while his son (George V) lay dying at Sandringham, several mistakes were made because of the discrepancy between real time and Sandringham time.

In a rage, the Prince of Wales (the future Edward VIII) ordered that the clocks immediately be set to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT); it took a local clockmaker from midnight to dawn to accomplish the task.

Edward VII, (1841-1910) British monarch, king of Great Britain and Ireland (1901–10), eldest son of Victoria and Albert [noted for his love affairs and extravagant living, his interest in foreign policy, his role in the Anglo-French entente of 1904, and the constitutional crisis (over the attempt to limit the veto power of the House of Lords) which marked the end of his reign]

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