why are women so bitchy to each other?

A good friend is having issues with another woman in our group.... they have sort of fallen out because of this persons crass attitude and observations.

The weird thing is that my friend now feels SHE should make a move to repair the damage, even when she really could do without this woman in her life !

Women always compete with each other, it's always been like this, and will NEVER change. It's a base instinct to put other women down because, "what is she's a better woman than I am, and gets and keeps a man ?" This is of course all very primitive but our layer of civilisation can be very thin !

Woman are also constantly comparing themselves to each other as society puts so much pressure on them to be successful and beautiful, so they either get jealous or smug.

Then there are those the backhanded 'compliments" you can get from women, like the "friendly advice" on how you look (because you obviously have no clue how to look nice), and the subtle competitiveness and one-upmanships about husbands, relationships, weddings, children, holidays, houses … etc etc

Of course a deep seated jealousy can be part of the syndome. I think in my example that the 'nasty bitch' is REALLY unhappy with her life and envies my friend.....

DO the TEST and see how bitchy YOU are !

And the best advice to my friend is : It's life, unfortunately you have to develop a thick skin, and/or try to ignore them and/or beat them at their own game and/or get a vodoo doll :~))

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