forgotten vegtables..

Mangelwurzel is a cultivated root vegetable derived from Beta vulgaris. Its large white, yellow or orange-yellow swollen roots were developed in the 18th century as a fodder crop for feeding livestock.

The mangelwurzel has a history in England of being used for sport (mangold hurling), for celebration, for animal fodder and for the brewing of a potent alcoholic beverage.

The manglewurzel also had a role in the cult TV kids show as Wurzel Gummidge's head, where it could often be heard to say things like "go boil your head."

A mangelwurzel hurling championship was revived in the north Wiltshire village of Sherston on October 7, 2006. Teams of three hurled mangelwurzels in turn, aiming to be the closest to a large leafless mangelwurzel known as 'the Norman'.

Proud mangelwurzel growers showing their entry's for a garden show.

Video featuring mangelwurzels in the lead role !

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