Letter counting/alphabetizing

There seem to be lots of types if OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) out there. One family member is worried about 'sell by dates', another cleans a lot and yet another counts letters and/or words.....

I'd heard about the first two, but the word counting was new to me.

There is a lot of info on the web about it and even a forum

Here is an example of how someone describes his problem:

'Since childhood I've had a compulsion to count things.
I had to count the letters in words and in people's names. If the letters added up to any number except 9 ,
I felt a sense of release and could stop counting.  I knew it was silly but nevertheless I had a fear that if I did not do this something bad could happen to my mom or dad'.

There seem to be lots of people interested
in the number of words in books
for instance :  'Wuthering Heights'

one web site has :   116.548
and another has  :  103.000

So if you are really obsessive you'll have to read it and count them yourself "~))

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