
Job burnout is characterised by exhaustion, cynicism, and reduced professional efficacy within the workplace. More accurately defined, exhaustion refers to the depletion or draining of emotional resources, cynicism refers to the indifference or distant attitude of work, and reduced professional efficacy refers to the lack of satisfaction with past/present expectations.

Occupational burnout is typically and particularly found within the human service professions. Such jobs that naturally experience high amounts of occupational burnout include: social workers, nurses, teachers, lawyers, physicians, and police officers. The reason why burnout is so prevalent in the human service professions is due in part to the high stress environment, and outcomes that are independent of the effort exerted by the working individual (=bureaucracy !!)

The individuals who are most vulnerable to occupational burnout are ones who are strongly motivated, dedicated, and involved in the work in which they partake. As work for these individuals is a source of importance in which they derive meaning in life, it is significant that they find meaning by achieving their goals and expectations.

Occupational burnout is associated with increased work experience, increased workload, absences and time missed from work, impaired empathy and cynical attitudes toward clientele, and thoughts of quitting. Do the test HERE

But, before throwing up your hands, remember...burnout is not for wimps. A lot of other people would have jumped ship much earlier. Many victims reach the farther stages of burnout because of their tenacity and dedication. They have a strong sense of responsibility and don't like being deterred from reaching their goals...............

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