
I seem to have opened a can of worms with yesterdays post !!

My American correspondent, of British origin, tells he that he always spells it as 'doofer' and not 'deufer"

And my British one said that she could not imagine that duefer came from a Russian surname....

So some more research threw up the following with the spelling as doofer........

Then I came across 'doobry' or 'doobrie' which set me of on another trail..............
Respelling of "do for" :
"this name will do for what it is I am describing"
Alternatively: "It'll do for that job!"

It's still an object whose name the speaker or writer cannot remember.
A found or borrowed cigarette saved for smoking at another time. (It will do for later.) :  "He takes two fags, one to smoke and a dufer"

The remote control for a television.
"Where's the doofer for the telly"

Used mainly in working situations were 2 or more people work closely together and probably know exactly what thing the other person means...."pass me that doobry please" 

and the Claret doobry muddler

                   so 'fine dining will now be on Sunday

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