boxed in.......

'Think outside the box' originated in the USA in the late 1960s/early 1970s. It has become something of a cliche, especially in the business world, where 'thinking outside the box' has become so hackneyed as
to be rather meaningless.

"Thinking outside the box" has been voted Britain's most despised business jargon by researchers in a new poll.

Business-speak also appears to be spreading outside the confines of the office. Nearly half (46 per cent) of working UK respondents admitted that they use these terms in their own home and among their friends. 

For instance a friends husband was of sick recently and she told me he had to cancel a "face to face meeting". I'd not heard this term before, but then I don't move in those sort of business  circles.

It seems that with all the technology available, colleagues and customers can 'know' each
other for years without ever shaking hands.

Click HERE for the Importance of Face to Face meetings !

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