mouse traps.......

Our beloved cats bring us lots of presents of dead birds, frogs and live mice.  If you can catch the cat with the mouse in it's jaws, it relativly easy to grab the scruff of the cats neck with one hand and the mouse's tail with the other and get the cat to let go.

Yesterday however the mouse got away and went under the fridge to the space behind the kitchen cupboards.They move so fast it's almost impossible to catch one when it's loose.

Seeing as we don't want to kill them we've been investigating mouse friendly mouse traps. There are lots of traps out there like this one on the right. Or super design ones like this:

There are however loads of DIY people out there who have thought up cheap and humane traps...

This one on the left,  is an empty toilet roll balanced finely on the edge of a table. Beneath is a waste paper basket with a few tid-bits. The mouse is supposed to go into the tube and it tips over the edge... Instructions HERE

This commercial 'cheesy' one on the right was obviously an inspiration for making a DIY version from an empty lemonade bottle. Instructions HERE

3 comments: said...

There are numerous types to trap the mouse, but most of them commonly fail.But the techniques you have showned I think is the right way to trap the mouse, and i am totally agree with your methods of trapping.

Saqib Khatri said...

nice bLog! its interesting. thank you for sharing....

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