growing old............

While chatting with a friend recently the subject of growing old came up. She reckons one should either try to grow old 'gracefully' or go totally in the opposite direction be 'wildly eccentric'. This means she's the first and I'm the second :~))

Trolling the Internet about the subject of 'gracefully' threw up loads of sites about staying healthy, not smoking, staying in touch with the community and taking part in local events.

I should mention we are both British and of a pensionable age. We've both have a somewhat Victorian tinted upbringing and the meaning of growing old gracefully for us is more about keeping up appearances and not looking like a bag lady with gravy down our jumpers ! Our hair and make up should be appropriate for our age etc... Being somewhat sedate about our movements and opinions, plus tactful and conservative in our dealings with others.
The image on the left is what we might have aimed for in the 50's

something to strive for ?

Then of course we have the eccentric side of the coin. This in my view means wearing what one likes, doing what one please and not giving a jot about what other people think !  

Nowadays we have the plastic surgery brigade. The eternal search to look young, slim and RIDICULOUS!

Mutton dressed up as lamb is what we used to call it !

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