
When I was about 13, I was in love with the Tonibell driver that came around every evening...  I didn't have enough pocket money to buy an ice cream every day so
I used to sit at my bedroom window and drool :~))
Tonibell started life in 1937 in Burnt Oak were an Italian and his Scottish wife had  a shop. the first mobile version of selling ice cream was a tricycle fitted with a cool box. The vans were originally blue, but in 1969 they changed to the memorable pink colour.

Remember 99's ??

I thought that they were invented by Tonibell but apparently Cadbury got in first!

The Flake chocolate bar itself was first developed in 1920. An employee of Cadbury's noted that when the excess from the moulds used to create other chocolate bars was drained off, it fell off in a stream and created folded chocolate with flaking properties.

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