word of the week....

One of my better educated friends mentioned the word "compersion" with regard to me being happy about my retirement etc. When looking it up I was surprised to find it has polygamous connotations !!

Compersion is an empathetic state of happiness and joy experienced when another individual experiences happiness and joy. It is sometimes identified with parents pride in their children's accomplishments, ones own excitement for friends and others successes and commonly used to describe enjoying multiple romantic or erotic partners coexistently and/or elapsing over time. It is an opposite of jealousy.

The adjective frubbly and the noun frubbles are sometimes used, in the poly community in the United Kingdom and the United States, to describe the feeling of compersion. These terms are more suited to cheerful, light-hearted conversation, and they are more grammatically versatile, for example: "I'm feeling all frubbly" and "Their relationship fills me with frubbles"
It's also a restaurant>>>>>>>

It seems to be very popular in the States and the UK !

And as often happens this saying popped up on a website I was reading : 

Jealous: Unduly concerned about the preservation of that which can be lost only if not worth keeping.     Ambrose Bierce

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