washing up

Women can chat about the most banal things on the phone... the subject of washing up came up in a conversation today:

washing-up - the washing of dishes etc after a meal  (usually with soap and water)

How to wash up in 10 easy steps - OR use paper plates and disposable cutlery :~)

I remember  washing up as a subject in homemaking at school back in the 60's. Our teacher gave us the basics (as listed in the above link) Then she said 'don't dry pots with you tea towel, as it will make black stains on the cloth'....
my cheeky reply was, 'well you can't have washed them up properly'. This was however in the days of aluminium pans which did indeed stain. It meant yet another trip to the heads office for me :~)

Maybe the Washing Up Fairy can help you?

Lots of people wash up straight in the sink, others use a bowl in the sink, while some people use a sort of metal 'basket' (this supposedly protects the sink from scratches.

"How hygienic is washing up ?" OR "the bacterial soup in your washing up bowl"
Read the dirty details HERE

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