how NOT to make friends and influence customers !

While clearing out my bookcase, I found lots of old gardeners World magazines... One of the advertisers (2000)  had the perfect solar shed that I am looking for... Google gave me their current name and web address.
I live in Holland so asked if they had a supplier here?
I was totally amazed at the quick and polite reply - see below !!! Not very good customer relations !
I'll be surprised if they survive the recession !
I shall look elsewhere for one..... 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, March 01, 2013 11:22 AM
Subject: RE: special size solar? - email from leisurebuildings website


From: Jenny Cockshull
Sent: 01 March 2013 10:20
Subject: special size solar? - email from leisurebuildings website

Re: Malvern Solar Potting sheds


Do you have a supplier in the Netherlands ??

thanks in advance, Jenny Cockshull

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