The Great British class calculator

The working class
A socio-economic term used to describe persons in a social class marked by jobs that provide low pay, require limited skill and/or physical labor, and have reduced education requirements. Unemployed persons or those supported by a social welfare program are often included in this group.
The middle class
In socio-economic terms, the middle class is the broad group of people in contemporary society who fall socio-economically between the working class and upper class.
The Victorian era was a golden age, for the middle class. The huge army of clerks worked from nine to four, or ten to five. For those without a grouse moor, a family seaside holiday in Brighton or Margate could be just as refreshing. 

the upper class
From a historical perspective, the upper class was dominated by land-owning nobility and aristocrats. Over the years the term has expanded to include celebrities, politicians, investors and other wealthy people. While they ("the rich") do exert significant control over economic and political developments, most production activities and consumption is done by the working and middle classes.

However researchers have come up with a new scale with seven 'classes'

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