Fatness and obesity have always been with us.
It was, and still is in some countries, a sign of
wealth because you can pay to eat as much as
It was, and still is in some countries, a sign of
wealth because you can pay to eat as much as
you want.

are processed and filled with sugar and/or fat.
There are of course medical conditions that can cause overweight.There's Cushing's syndrome when he adrenal glands (located on top of each kidney) produce an excess amount of a steroid hormone called cortisol
People with a slow thyroid can also become fater without eating more than normal.

A childhood classmate had this condition, but we all called Fat Jane, which was rather cruel :~(Depression can also be a cause as some people tend to overeat to compensate their feelings.
But back in the early part of the last century, they had a wonder cure .....................
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