boggle !

My cousin was in America recently staying with a friend... At dinner the first night they asked her is she wanted a bib.... she was totally amazed ! This is not a bunch of OAPs but a family ranging from little kids to adults.

OK we all drop the occasional cornflake or dribble of spaghetti sauce on ourselves but a bib !

It seems to be a big item in the US. Goggling "adult bib" gives 897,000 results!!!
There are disposable, stylish, funny and patterns to make your own.
As popular as they may be, a lot of Americans seem to feel as I do:

There is nothing more than embarrassing than spilling stuff over yourself.So it is just as well somebody has come up with a ingenious invention to combat just that - the SlobStopper. Or as some would call it - a bib. Yep, someone really is trying to sell adult bibs in a bid to try and stop us 'looking stupid'. To make it worse, their slogan is even 'bibs are not just for babies'.

 Watch this hilarious video

Formal Bibs (for weddings ? !)

 Handy at the drive in ??

Certainly NOT for 'fine dining'

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