calory burning

A survey showed that nearly four-fifths of people believe a garden is essential to quality of life. It's good for both body and soul. 

General gardening uses up 280 calories and hour and weeding 315.  About the amount of a Starbucks Grand Latte or a Snickers bar !

Half an hour of the following activities:
  • Digging and shovelling: 250 calories
  • Lawn mowing: 195 calories
  • Weeding: 105 calories
  • Raking: 100 calories

Women over 50 who garden at least once a week have a higher bone density reading (the reading used to diagnose osteoporosis) than women who take part in almost any other form of exercise.

Exposure to the UVB rays of the sun stimulates the production of vitamin D, which in turn helps the body absorb calcium which is also essential for healthy bones.

The Thrive organisation helps people with a disability, both physical and mental. Research shows that gardening for people with mental health problems can improve communication with others, help with learning new practical skills/teamwork and planning. It also improves confidence and helps with concentration.

Monty Don, a TV presenter and garden writer, attributes the well-being of gardeners to the “recharging” you get from sticking your hands in the soil and spending time outdoors in nature. Gardening helped him to overcome his depression.

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