It was like going from a skateboard, to a bicycle, to a motorcycle, to a car.
Now it's changing so fast I can't keep up. Every five years it goes from a skateboard to an aircraft carrier.

I started with punch cards way back in 1978. Clever people could hold them up to the light and read what the instruction was..... Nightmare if you dropped a pile of cards.... Or the compiler went bezerk...
Then the floppy disk , which really was 'floppy" :~)
The computer room was fully airconditioned and the CPU has huge by comparison to today's. It actually had valves in it that got hot. We used to warm up our 'Stroopwafels' (syrup waffles) on top of it !! The language we used was the now extinct RPG2
Then a giant leap for mankind - in came the disk pack.

One for book keeping, one for customers, one for stock and one for logistics and stats :~) You felt like a disk jockey loading them for each separate part. We'd moved on to Business Basic by then.
I used Business Basic right up until about 1997 when I took a couple of years off to enjoy life :~)

By the time I re-entered the workplace in 2002 my knowledge was hopelessly out of date and I gave up programming altogether.
We now have languages named after countries, snakes and precious gems....

Click here for a comprehensive timeline of programming languages
And don't even talk to me about networks :~(((((((((((((((((((((((((((
My granddad told me about working with an NCR system in 1982 that used similar disk packs to your Nixdorf system, known as 'platters' by the two person operating team. He said the computer was housed in its own room to avoid dust, which still occasionally caused 'head crashes'. A piece of hair or carpet fibre between the reading head and the disk produced a catastrophic failure to the hardware at a cost that gave the company accountant palpitations.
Not to split any hairs, but 1997 to 2002 is five years not a "couple of years". You must have really been enjoying your time off to have slipped three years. I occasionally have a 'lost weekend' at a rave, but a lost three years must be awesome!
Ah-ha-ha images!
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