nincum poop

What a wonderful word !! But trying to find it's origin is somewhat muddled....

Nincompoop is an English term usually meant to describe a person that is silly, foolish, stupid, and/or useless. The factual origins of the term is unknown, but some speculate that it was coined by British playwright William Wycherley in 1676.Others believe it stemmed from the Latin phrase 'non compos mentis', meaning 'not of sound mind.'
A 2007 survey amongst 2000 Britons revealed that it was the nation's favourite word out of 16,500 entries in the Cambridge Dictionary



There was once an English verb poop, to fool or cheat, and it did come from Dutch poep, the original Dutch word meant a shit or a fart — the English slang poop for shit comes from this. The association with a fool came through a slang use of the word by the Dutch in the seventeenth century for a migrant worker from northern Germany.

This word still exists in French as nicodème, a simpleton

ANd here's on I can totally agree with !


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