
People have been adorning their body with
piercings almost since time began.....

For instance Earrings have been in 
existence for more than 5,000 years

Elaine Davidson
The Most Pierced Female Human With Over 6005 Piercings!!
                                                                    "Button your lip" gets a whole new meaning
The stretched lower lip of this Mursi woman (Southwest Ethiopia, Omo River) is unsightly when she takes out her large clay lip plate. She has a leather apron decorated with metal rings on her head to shade her from the sun.

Shortly before marriage, a girl's lower lip will be pierced and progressively stretched over a year or so while some of her teeth will be removed for the plate to fit snugly. The size of the lip plate often determines the quantum of the bride price. The reason for this practice is not fully understood but Mursi women claim it enhances their beauty.

Men from the Austro-Asiatic Asmat tribe of the south-coast of Irian Jaya, Indonesia (West Papua), wear enormous nasal ornamentation (up to 8 inches in width) made of flat, spiral-shaped boar tusk.

Risks associated with body piercing
Body piercing is an invasive procedure with risks. In a 2005 survey of 10,503 persons
over the age of 16 in England, complications were reported in 31% of piercings, with professional help being necessary in 15.2%. 0.9% had complications serious enough to require hospitalization.

But I suppose sometimes they might come in handy....

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