Killer Bread Pudding

My mum reckons she killed my dad with it...

He used to come home, on his bicycle,  for his lunch at 12:00.
Working class people ate their main warm meal at lunchtime.
Seeing as it was winter, there was casserole and dumplings
plus bread pudding and custard on the menu.
My Dad ate heartily
then went back to work on his push bike against a strong headwind.

He was a VERY conscientious worker and wanted to be in time....
He arrived at the storeroom and dropped down dead of a coronary failure.
My Mum never made bread pudding again.

I do make it occasionally when I have left over stale bread.
This gives a nice dark result, and I add dark treacle, brown sugar and chopped dried fruit to enhance this effect. You can also add Guinness to the soaking liquid instead of milk, put diced apple for a lighter texture, ginger for a spiced up version and nuts for crunch. Most old fashioned British cooks learn it from their mothers' and guess the amounts until the consistency feels right. It's very versatile :~)

When I wanted to make this post I looked on the web for a recipe, but it's the kind if thing that each family has it's own recipe for and it's often confused (especially by Americans) with Bread and Butter Pudding, which is a totally different thing altogether.

Other people seem to have had the same problem finding a good recipe.
Here's a couple of examples :  Recipe 1         Recipe 2         Recipe 3 = Chocolate Bread Pudding !

Traditionally served as a dessert with warm custard, or left to cool and eaten as a cake. It's VERY filling and cheap to make when you're on a budget.

If made with white bread,
you get a lighter result   >>>>>>>>>>>>>

Best served with Bird's Custard. Don't faf about trying to make vanilla sauce, use Bird's !!   Easy to make and Delicious :~))

Warning : Don't eat bread pudding and custard every day ........

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