
A friend apologised for being garrulous....
One official definition is :
Excessively talkative in a rambling, roundabout manner, especially about trivial matters.

OR wordy or diffuse: a garrulous and boring speech.

But this one is more fun:  

Main Entry:
garrulous [gar-uh-luhs, gar-yuh-]
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: talkative
Synonyms: babbling, blabbermouth, chattering, chatty, effusive, flap jaw, gabby, glib, gossipping, gushing, long-winded, loose-lipped, loose-tongued, loquacious, motormouth, mouthy, prating, prattling, prolix, prosy, running on at the mouth, verbose, voluble, wind-bag, windy, wordy, yakkity, yakky
Antonyms: mum, quiet, reserved, silent, still, untalkative
But it can be highly amusing ~:)
Think of Stehpen Fry - He rambles on and is utterly wonderful.

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