the great debate..

Toilet paper when used with toilet roll holder with a horizontal axle parallel to the wall has two possible orientations: the toilet paper may hang over (A - in front) or under (B - behind) the roll. The choice is largely a matter of personal preference, dictated by habit.

Despite its being a trivial topic, people often hold strong opinions on the matter.

Defenders of either position cite advantages ranging from aesthetics, hospitality, and cleanliness to paper conservation and the ease of detaching individual squares.

The reasons behind each person's choice have been analyzed by several studies with theories ranging from age, sex, socioeconomic status to political philosophy.

It has also been suggested that preference for under may correlate with ownership of a recreational vehicle or a cat.
Solutions range from compromise, to using separate dispensers or separate bathrooms entirely.

One man advocates a plan under which his country will standardize on a single forced orientation, and at least one inventor hopes to popularize a new kind of toilet roll holder which swivels from one orientation to the other.

more fascinating statistics about toilet paper can be found HERE

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