tadpole fruit........


While at the local market yesterday we bought a couple of these weird looking fruits...
We were not really sure what to do with them, so cut one in half to see what was inside >>>

They are full of green things that look a bit like tadpoles !
Unsure of what to do next we just attacked it with a spoon,
and were pleasantly surprised at the tangy taste :~)

Turns out that the pips are edible and one just sort of sucks out the innards.

Two Americans try their first Kiwano... their experience somewhat reflects ours....

 At only 25 calories a fruit, them are an interesting ingredient to experiment with.
Here are a couple of recipes plucked from the web:

Kiwano Chicken recipe   

Flounder with Kiwano salsa

You can use the hollow shell as an interesting serving dish :~)

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