retirement day 2

As I was saying yesterday, we are so privileged to be able to retire well before we get old and decrepit. This cartoon portrays how it might be in the future.

At work they wanted to send me on a PIS (Pension In Sight) course. This seemed to me a waste of time and money.

However I can imagine for a lot of people, mainly men, who have worked at the same job for 40 odd years (yes that still happens!) might feel that they are what they do and therefore fall into a black hole of retirement with nothing to occupy their time and their status is gone.....

Their wives too are confronted with a man about the house that they have probably only seen for a few hours a day on weekdays and weekends.

They can feel resentful about having their personal space and schedules invaded. A lot of men who retire need amusing and want to tag along with everything their wife does. A friends husband used to pace up and down in front of the hairdressers while she was having her weekly wash and set !

I am not afraid of any of these problems applying to me ! I have loads of hobbies ...... 
I have just today singed up for a painting class that starts in September.....I've also had to be very flexible over the years with moving around the world and having innumerable jobs. So I think the adjustment will be fairly painless :~))

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