still alive and kicking !!!

While booking a holiday in England recently,  I was confronted with this :
"We will confirm availability by email. Once confirmed we will ask you to complete your booking by sending us a deposit in the post. Cheques or Postal Orders should be made payable to..."

Being and island , they still have obviously not heard about direct debit ! ! ! 
I thought they had been out of circulation for years.........
Lucky for Ewen McTeagle though :~)

The Poems of Ewen McTeagle
From the lonely crofts of Scotland, from the haunts of coot and hern, comes a still small voice in a world gone mad.This young Scottish poet, has taken the world of literature by the throat, with such poems as the one below, for his daughter on her 17th birthday:

Lend us a couple of bob till Thursday
I'm absolutely skint
But I'm expecting a postal order

And I can pay you back
As soon as it comes.

The recurrence of this theme of desperate search in his work, for something perhaps symbolic, perhaps half imagined, is central to his greatest work: 'Can I have £50 to mend the shed.'

Can I have Fifty pounds to mend the shed?
I'm right on my Uppers.
I can pay you back
When I get this postal order from Australia Honestly.
Hope the bladder trouble's getting better.
Love, Ewen?

Q:  Can I send a UK postal order to Australia?
A:  No, they're accepted in 47 countries but Australia isn't one of them !

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