cyborgs ?

                       Are We Becoming Cyborgs?

A cyborg, short for "cybernetic organism", is a being with both biological and artificial (i.e. electronic, mechanical, or robotic) parts. 

The concept of a man-machine mixture was widespread in science fiction before World War II. As early as 1843, Edgar Allan Poe described a man with extensive prostheses in the satirical short story "The Man That Was Used Up"

They have become really popular in modern sci-ci films: examples include RoboCop, Terminators, The Six Million Dollar Man, Replicants from Blade Runner, Daleks and Cybermen from Doctor Who, the Borg from Star Trek

The plus point of cybernetics is the ongoing research with regard to repairing and/or modifying humans (I should know, I have two titanium knees!). The negative aspect is when the military get involved with making super soldiers!

Perhaps he should get in touch with the Cyborg Foundation whose mission it is to help humans become cyborgs, to promote the use of cybernetics as part of the human body and to defend cyborg rights.

Or read more about how cyborgs might afect society in the future >>


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