s'not fair

I seem to be developing a bunion on my right foot. This is not at all fair. I never ever wore pointed, high heeled shoes. I fact Dr Scholl's sandals were my preference. This should mean I've looked after my feet really well, but no!!!!!!!!

Foot problems typically develop in early adulthood and get worse as the foot spreads with ageing.

Right - ageing a a definite factor :~(

You can of course cut a big hole in your slippers (as my mum used to)

OR buy these ghastly old people ones with Velcro fastenings

They may be just one of several problems due to weak or poor foot structure. Bunions sometimes develop with arthritis. In people with leg length discrepancies, bunions usually form in the longer leg.

HA !  Due to the wobbly left knee, my right leg is certainly longer than the left !

Women are especially prone to developing bunions. Years of wearing tight, poorly fitting shoes -- especially high-heeled, pointed shoes -- can bring on bunions. Such shoes gradually push the foot bones into an unnatural shape.

Didn't Didn't Didn't !!!! But by the look of it this lady DID :~((((((((((

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