swat that fly !

It might be a good idea to get a bigger and stronger fly swat ...........
The military in various countries are buildig smaller and smaller
flying 'drones' to spy on their enimies and maybe even individuals

Is this a mosquito…NO! This is an “INSECT SPY DRONE
Already in production !

The ones on the right are the size of crane flies. Most small flying robots are helicopters—kept aloft by one or more rotating wings. These, though, are ornithopters, meaning their wings flap. Wingtip to wingtip they measure 3cm and they weigh just 80 milligrams. Like true flies (those known to entomologists as Diptera), and unlike dragonflies or butterflies, they have but a single pair of wings. Read more HERE

Maybe we could build a robot swatters to get them instead of trying to kill them ourselves ?

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