too small

I had to contort my body yet again to get out of my car today.... these bloody great cars nowadays fill the parking spaces so much, that it's almost impossible to open ones door to get in and out. And it's not just the width, it's the length as well. Several of our neighbours have really L O N G cars that stick out into the road, and one has to be careful not to bash them....

The average British car is 2in wider than the Department for Transport's minimum width for a parking bay. Research shows the most popular British cars have increased in width by around 16 per cent in the past 40 years as drivers demand more space and better safety standards.

In North America, the width of angled and perpendicular parking spaces usually ranges from 2.3 to 2.75 metres (7.5–9.0 ft). For example, normal parking spaces in the city of Dallas, Texas are 8.5 feet wide, while compact spaces are 7.5 feet wide.

According to French standard “Norme NF P 91-100”, minimum width of parking spaces range from 2.20 to 2.30 metres (7.2–7.5 ft)

The sensible Swiss Association regulating parking space wants to consider this issue for 2016.

They have the same problem in Dubai

                       BUT HELP IS AT HAND

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