forgotten vegtable

There are vegetables that you don't see very often in the shops.. one of them is Salsify. It's an unappetising dirty looking brown root. BUT it is also called 'poor mans Asparagus' as it does have much the same flavour with a bit more 'bite'.

It's a bugger to peel as it turns brown very quickly when exposed to the air - plus the muddy outside leaves stains on the peeled root. - plus the starch in the root sicks to your hands and is really hard to get of. I have a special pair of rubber gloves for peeling them :~) It used to be called 'kitchen maids sadness' in Holland !

It's Tragopogon, also known as salsify or goatsbeard, is a genus of flowering plants in the sunflower family Asteraceae that has over 140 species, including the vegetable known as salsify, as well as a number of common wild flowers, some of which are usually regarded as weeds.

The flowers look pretty - I might try to grow some next year.