nasty smell....

I fished an old book out of the bookcase, "God on the Rocks", and came aross the lovely. somewhat old fashioned word 'Frowsty'
The official meaning is:
1. Stale-smelling, musty, dirty-smelling.
2. Disheveled, unkempt, mussy; dressed in frowsty clothing.
It's that smell you get in damp cellars, washing machines when you've forgotten to take the washing out, 2nd hand shops etc.

"The big doors close behind us and we're underground, enveloped in cool, moist air. The smell is overwhelming: heady, frowsty, and thick."

The first component of the word to enter English was fusty, originally the smell of used wine casks (14th century). Next came frowsy, from frowz, disheveled hair (17th century). Finally, someone confused the two in the 19th century (we don't know who) and, voila, frowsty.
OR .  Some think it came from the Old French word frouste which means ruinous or decayed.