maths and me

I have never had a head for figures... maybe because my maths teacher at secondary school had really bad breath, so one did not want to ask him to come and explain things you didn't understand.... or maybe the rows over homework that I had with my father. He wanted to do sums the way he'd been taught (1920's) and I had to know how to explain the answers in the current lingo (1950's).

Either way I am absolutely useless at mental arithmetic and those puzzles where you have to find the next number in a sequence. I gaze at the numbers and my mind recoils in horror and I don't even attempt to find the answer. This means that my IQ in those sort of tests comes out lower than I hope it should.

It seems I suffer from 'Math Anxiety'

True or False: 
You need a 'math gene' or dominance of your left brain to be successful at math.
 Like reading, the majority of people are born with the ability to do math. Children and adults need to maintain a positive attitude and the belief that they can do math. Math must be nurtured with a supportive learning environment that promotes risk taking and creativity, one that focuses on problem solving.

Seeing as I never had the ambition to be a scientist, engineer or astrophysicist, I never saw the point of maths. I can add, subtract. multiply and divide and as far as I could see, I didn't need to know the root of Pi or the diameter of a circle from it's circumference...

Seems I not alone :~)

I probably fall into the category here on the left :~)  

Or 1, 2, 3, lots :~))

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