

Having or seeming to have the ability to be everywhere at once; omnipresent
[from Latin ubīque everywhere, from ubī where]

ever-present, pervasive, omnipresent, all-over, everywhere, universal


The Future ??

Ubiquitous computing !


Plastiki is a boat made out of 12,500 recyled plastic bottles filled with air. David de Rothschild came up with the idea to build this awesome Plastiki boat.

(C10H8O4)n to this ..............

This is unlike any catamaran you’ve ever seen. Instead of smooth hulls to minimise water resistance, it comprises a frame made out of self-reinforced polyethylene terephthalate (srPET) panels and sealed plastic bottles (filled with carbon dioxide to 5 bar to make them impact-proof) held in place by srPET netting to provide buoyancy – making it more like a high-tech raft.

8,000-mile, 130-day trans-Pacific voyage from San Francisco to Sydney, in a ship whose hull was created from 12,500 plastic bottles

video David de Rothschild      

There is a similar Dutch version planned (site in Dutch only)

don't fence me in..........

My cousin is getting the old fence between her and next door replaced at last.There are so many types of fence....

<<Rustic picket fences

Works of art located in Lincoln, Massachusetts. Designed by landscape architect Mikyoung Kim out of steel  >>>>>>

<<crazy pencil fence

made from old ski's >>>>>

Beautiful  Lace Fence was produced by young Dutch designer Joep Verhoeven as his graduate project


<<Scary fences

and falling down ones >>>>>



But I hope that my cousin's ends up like this !


The bacchanalia were wild and mystic festivals of the Greco-Roman god Bacchus

(or Dionysus), the wine god.

The term has since come to describe any form of drunken revelry.

On the other hand you could go to Atlanta....



1: the separate real or personal property of a married woman that she can dispose of by will and sometimes according to common law during her life
2: personal belongings
3a : articles of equipment : furnishings b : accessory items : appurtenances

Medieval Latin, ultimately from Greek parapherna bride's property beyond her dowry, from para- + phernē dowry, from pherein to bear — more at bear  First Known Use: 1651

A friend brought  another meaning of paraphenalia to my attention:
The Utah local paper often mention that someone has been arrested for "being in possession of paraphernalia" (meaning crack pipes, syringes, scales, and other drug taking... well... paraphernalia).

He once saw it spelled as paraffinalia, which would not mean much in the USA, where the said petroleum derivative is known as 'kerosene'. Kerosenealia? I think not.=
Here's a nice website with the same name.......

<<< nice music....

Period Home Renovation,Tasmania

Swanky New York clothes

weird music paraphenalia

furniture shop UK >>>>

But I like the original meaning of the word:

Paraphernalia was the separate property of a married woman, such as clothing and jewelry "appropriate to her station", but excluding the assets that may have been included in her dowery.
The term originated in Roman law, but ultimately comes from Greek "παράφερνα" ("parapherna"), "beyond ("para") the dower ("phernē")".

My station is probably 'Clapham Junction"


What Does It Mean To Be Rabelaisian ?

Pertaining to or like the coarse, uproarious humour of François Rabelais (16th century French writer).

The French monk, physician, humanist scholar and writer, Francois Rabelais wrote an influential and much-imitated satiric masterpiece, Gargantua and Pantagruel (five books, 1532-52)

His entire life history is HERE

Je n'ai rien vaillant; je dois beaucoup; je donne le reste aux pauvres.
  • I have nothing, owe a great deal, and the rest I leave to the poor.

witches and spells...

Developing in England in the first half of the 20th century. Wicca was popularised in the 1950s and early 1960s by a Wiccan High Priest named Gerald Gardner.

He claimed that it was the survival of a pre-Christian pagan Witch cult that he had been initiated into by a New Forest coven in 1939.

Wicca is a specific Neopagan religion 

I'm not sure this is a Wiccian spell, but it sounds good to me :~)

Candle Weight Loss Spell

You get 1 white, 1 blue, and 1yellow candle.
Light them all in front of a mirror and say this chant:
Lighter thinner
that I say
Make me my right size
this very day
When you finish this chant, pour the wax from the candles into a small glass with a new wick in it. Repeat this day after day until your new candle is made.
Burn your new candle until it or the wind puts the candle out. When you're feeling overweight again light the candle and let it put itself out.

fingers II

Phone Fingers Prevent Smudges, Make You Look Like a Dork

            Phone Fingers

By Luke Anderson :
I didn’t get quite as dazzled by the iPhone as some,
though I won’t deny that it is pretty cool.

One big complaint is that since you do everything by touching the screen,
you tend to get a lot of fingerprints and smudges.
That’s why you need Phone Fingers. Or not.

The idea is simple, your fingers cause smudges, so cover them up.

However, what you end up with are some weird mini-condoms for your digits.
I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t be caught dead
wearing these for fear of ridicule from my friends.

If you’re interested, you can get a bag of 25 for a little under $15.
If you get mercilessly mocked for wearing them, don’t say I didn’t warn you.

floating palaces

The Nemi Ships were huge and exceedingly luxurious ships built by the Roman emperor Caligula in the first century CE at Lake Nemi a few kilometers south of Rome. One was essentially an elaborate floating palace, which counted marble floors and plumbing among its amenities, the sole role of which was to satisfy Caligula's increasingly self-indulgent behavior.

And now you can live on a cruise boat

saving the BBC

The poor old Beeb is having financial problems.

They are the best TV makers in the whole world and being an ex-pat they keep me in touch with my British roots.

Luckily I can get all the BBC channels via the cable here in Holland :~))

Broadcasting House - home of the BBC
I love TV and especially the BBC programs, the costumes drama's, the humour, the news, Eastenders, the documentaries....
In this day and age the license fee is an outmoded idea, but if they insist on keeping it then they could earn extra cash from people abroad who want to watch BBC I player.....                             

I'm sure a lot of foreigners would be prepared to pay a fee to get all the advantages of I player and all the other bits and bobs that are blocked ATM.